Terry Webber




Email: terry@discover-recover.uk
Website: discover-recover.uk/
Mob: 07956597899


‘A truly profound breath worker, who will listen, understand and carefully stay present with his clients throughout the practice of Conscious Connecting Breathing (Rebirthing).  His supportive nature during all sessions and after is paramount to a successful outcome.’ 

What I offer:

An initial consultation, assessment and full explanation of the rebirthing process. This is an opportunity to discuss your history, potential and vision for the future. The initial consultation is approximately an hour. Individual rebirthing sessions, follow up personal support or to going with a regular group. Weekend and One Day workshops that focus on the essence of having a  healthy comfortable  and loving Life. These workshops will allow clients to develop with confidence to train as rebirthers and members of The British Rebirth Society. 

Lastly there is a series of 16 evening talks by Terry. These talks cover in introductory form all Leonard's 'Five Biggies" and more.